Electronic Logging Device

Electronic Logging Devices

Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) plug into a CMV’s diagnostic port and record a driver’s Hours of Service. In addition, it records data related to the truck’s operation and driver activity. The FMCSA estimates that ELD’s will save 26 lives over 1,800 CMV accidents on an annual basis. According to the FMCSA requirements, ELD’s must-have internal synchronization with the engine control module. This results in an automatic recording of driving time and details (i.e. driver’s location). The data then transfers (wirelessly, through email, or with a USB or Bluetooth) and displays reports for safety officials on demand.

Why Are ELDs Important?

ELDs benefit companies and drivers in a multitude of ways. The following benefits correlate to why people (including those exempt) get an ELD:

ELD Mandate

Since December 16, 2019, all carriers and drivers subject to the rule must use ELDs. The FMCSA implemented the rule in order to create safer work environments for drivers. Also, the mandate makes it easier/faster to accurately track, manage, and share records of duty status (RODS) data. Congress required the adoption of the EDL rule as part of the MAP-21 Act

Although the ELD rule applies to the vast majority of large commercial trucks and buses, some may be exempt. Most importantly, the exempt can still use ELD devices. The following fall under those not required to use ELDs:

Compliant ELDs

Electronic Logging Device providers certify and register their own devices, not the FMCSA. One important factor is that compliant ELDs can electronically transfer HOS data files to safety officials upon request. In order to avoid possible violations, you must check out the FMCSA List of ELDs. Even though the FMCSA does not endorse any specific device, their list is your best bet to avoiding ELD rule violations.

What About AOBRDs?

After the rule came into effect in 2019, certain types of recording devices became non-compliant. Automatic On-Board Recording Devices (AOBRDs) do not comply with the FMCSA ELD Mandate. AOBRDs do not plug into the engine’s data diagnostic port and act more like an “electronic” paper log. As a result, they cannot transfer data per the FMCSA requirements.

Those who fall under the rule’s mandate must only use Electronic Logging Devices or be subject to violations. Let a safety professional check or even oversee both your ELD system and logs on a weekly basis. These professionals help companies avoid violations that may hinder their safety potential and growth. FMCSA ELD rule violations can lead to fines and even potentially being places Out-of-Service.  Check out Marquee Insurance Group’s Partners for services that assist in ELDs, Safety, and Compliance.

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