UIIA Insurance Requirements

The Uniform Intermodal Interchange & Facilities Access Agreement

The UIIA stands for the Uniform Intermodal Interchange & Facilities Access Agreement. Joining the UIIA benefits motor carriers by providing them “access to the equipment and facilities of railroads, ocean carriers, and equipment leasing companies with a single industry standard interchange contract”. In order to participate in the UIIA, carriers are required to provide: Basic company information, SCAC code, UDOT/MC Number, TAX ID Number or Employee Identification Number (EIN), Insurance, & UIIA Annual Fee.

UIIA & Insurance

When it comes to the insurance carriers need to participate, there are specific requirements as well. In addition to the UIIA, each UIIA Equipment Provider (EP) has its own set of requirements. The following information is a basic list of coverage requirements, carriers need to join the UIIA. For the detailed list of requirements based on EP, click HERE.

Auto Liability

Although the FMCSA only requires a minimum of $750,000 in Auto Liability Coverage, the UIIA requires at least $1 Million. Each policy needs to have at least a “Scheduled and Hired Autos Policy” to be eligible to run for the UIIA. Scheduled refers to each truck operated under your authority being listed on the insurance policy. Hired Autos is coverage for an auto owned by someone other than yourself that is hired or rented on a short-term basis. Additionally, a formal UIIA endorsement (UIIE-1, CA23-17, or TE23-17B) must be filled out by the insurance company and included on the Auto Liability policy.

General Liability

The General Liability Coverage provides coverage to a business for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage caused by the business’s operations, products, or injuries that occur on the business’s premises. UIIA requires $1 Million for occurrence and $2 Million for aggregate. This means that the $1 Million covers each individual claim with a maximum of $2 Million of potential coverage for the policy period.

Motor Truck Cargo

For most Equipment Providers, the requirement for Motor Truck Cargo is $100,000. Some EPs such as Sarjak Container Lines will require a $250,000 limit, but the majority of EPs require $100,000. The reason for the increase is their specialty in Out of Gauge/Over Dimensional Container cargo. In other words, the containers are oversized/overweight. Also, a $1,000 deductible is required for most Equipment Providers.

Trailer Interchange

Trailer Interchange covers the trailer while in the care, custody, and control of the insured whether it is attached to the power unit or not. The average requirement for Trailer Interchange (TI) is $35,000. EP’s such as Tiger Cool requires a $65k TI limit, but all others are $35k or lower, with 95% being $30k or lower. They have higher requirements than the normal UIIA EPs because they specialize in long-haul transportation of perishable and temperature-sensitive goods. It is important to note that Non-Owned Trailer Physical Damage coverage is not accepted. This is because it does not cover the trailer unless it is attached to the power unit.


Depending on the Equipment Provider the motor carrier chooses to work with might require additional coverages such as Workers Compensation, Employer’s Liability, and/or additional paperwork.

Make sure to discuss the Equipment Provider(s) you are looking to work with while talking about UIIA with an insurance agent to ensure the receival of proper coverage.

Marquee Insurance Group’s agents are trained in the requirements of UIIA and assist motor carriers in receiving the proper coverages to become a member. If you are looking for UIIA coverage, call one of our agents at (833) RING-MIG.

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