BOOST Features
Safety Report Card
Every month enjoy a complimentary Safety Report Card that provides you a detailed look into your safety scores, broken down into each specific CSA BASIC. The full report includes a thorough compilation of all the Inspections that took place for that month's report.
Unscheduled Units Notice
Be promptly notified when you have a vehicle inspected that is not currently listed on your policy. These notifications can help you avoid future claim denials or cancellations, and empower you to be in control. Know if you need to file a Data Q or add a vehicle to your insurance policy.
Scores Increase Alert
Receive an alert when your scores have been consistently increasing to gain a better understanding of what CSA BASICs you need to focus on. This alert puts you in the driver seat on the road to safety. With discounted rates through our safety partner, Innovative Logistics, you can begin to lower those scores.